Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Wheels Continue to Wobble

Director of Greenpeace U.K., John Sauven has called for the author of the IPCC Report on Climate Change, Rajendra Pachauri, to step down because he did not report the flaw in the Himalayan glaciers – even though he knew about the flaw two months before the failed Copenhagen Conference.

(You know, the Global Whatever conference that Madam Pelosi et al spent more than $1 million attending, and she paid $2,200 night for her hotel room?)

It is the British, previous leaders in Global Wahtever, whose people and press are so embarrassed by the East Anglia e-mail fiasco that they are digging into the subject with some relish.

So, now ABC News quotes the Times of London about still ANOTHER “mistake” – publishing ANOTHER non-peer reviewed study – this time by the World Wildlife Fund:

“Now an article in London’s Sunday Times carries the headline “UN climate panel shamed by bogus rainforest claim”.

The article questions the IPCC’s decision to cite a WWF report to support its claim that 40 per cent of Amazonian forests could disappear as a response to declining rainfall and even be replaced by tropical savannah.

WWF Australia chief executive Greg Bourne says that is not what the WWF report said and he wants to know where the IPCC conclusion came from. “

Of course none of this says that Global Whatever is not true, but it does say that “science” is not always science.

Remember it was just a few days ago that the Lancet withdrew a 10 year old study that linked vaccinations with autism.

Bad science is bad science


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