Thursday, February 25, 2010

Filed Under: I Guess This Settles THAT!

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama launched a vigorous defense of his economic agenda on Wednesday, rejecting critics who say it amounts to “socialism” and insisting his policies would boost U.S. competitiveness.

“Contrary to the claims of some of my critics, I am an ardent believer in the free market,” Obama said in prepared remarks to the Business Roundtable, a group of top corporate executives.” (Unquote)

The President’s concept of “Free Market” differs vastly from mine.

In a “free market” would government own Chrysler? (I think not!)

In a “free market” would government own GM? (I think not!)

In a “free market” would government own AIG? (I think not!)

In a “free market” would government own Fannie Mae? (I think not!)

In a “free market” would government own Freddie Mac? (I think not!)

(List is incomplete…but you get the idea.)

All of these, and more were seized in the last year!

Now it is possible that blow-back is causing the President to slow the progress of Chavez-like seizures, but it would not be too far from reality to refer to the President as President Hugo Obama.

Now I understand that the uber-leftists will say that the economy needed a strong hand, and it further needs stronger regulation – but this is not “regulation” – it is, literally SEIZURE!

Unless, of course you want to end torture of terrorists and commence torture of the English language – but that is exactly what lawyers do.



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