1970 Los Angeles Airport Promo Video
Sarah, Maid of Albion
…..California in 1970 was booming, it, as a single state was to become the world’s eighth largest economy, it was the home of the Beach Boys, Silicone Valley and the Dream factories, it was where people went to become successful and the successful went to become more so.
Its’ cities were places people wanted to be. Los Angeles, the City of Angels, had only glimpsed the first hint of the escalating homicide, and wider crime, rate which over the following decades would turn it into the crime ridden realm of gangsters it has become.
But that was 1970, and how things have changed.
In the time it took a girl to grow to womanhood and raise a child to his teens, California changed from a land of dreams to a place which is starting to resemble a nightmare.
In [40] years non-Hispanic whites went from 80% of the population to just 43%, in percentage terms they have been cut all but by half.
Meanwhile, the once golden economy has all but collapsed, it has billions of dollars of debt and the state has now started paying its bills, including some wage bills in IOU’s, which it has very little idea when, or if, it will honour. It is said that, were California a company, it would be declared bankrupt, and even some Left wing papers such as The Guardian have begun to speculate as to whether California will become the first failed US state
So how did this happen? What brought about this total reversal in fortune? How did the state which had everything come to this? Was it a failure of Capitalism? A symptom of excess, or just more evidence of what our friends at the Guardian like to see, and greet with delight, as the inevitable decline of Western civilisation? Or does the answer lie in the first sentence of the paragraph above. Is the answer that a successful 80% white state has become a 57% NON-white basket case because of that staggering demographic change.
2010 GOOD BYE California
Immigration into California, both legal and illegal, has gone out of control over the past four decades. The amazing fact is that of the 100.7 million members of ethnic minorities living in the USA, 21% of them live in California.
Didn’t someone tell us that immigrants were supposed to be good for the economy?
…Full Article
[Via http://elliotlakenews.wordpress.com]
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