Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Things That Should Not Be For Profit Versus Things That Should Be

Here’s my short-list of goods and services that should not be subjected to the vicissitudes of a free market dominated by day traders looking to flip shit for a quick profit:

1. Modest houses/homes, places people sleep and eat and get in out of the weather in and raise their children in, you know, where people survive, excluding expensive estates for the rich, which can be sold for whatever the market will bear and flipped into hell for all eternity for all I care

2. Basic healthy food stuffs from the essential food groups, not anything fancy like fillet minion or lobster tails–Twinkies and doughnuts don’t count as healthy foodstuffs, by the way

3. Utilities, like electricity, gas, water, and basic phone service for local and 911 calls

4. Medications and health care, excluding nip-and-tuck fuckery that can be sold to the highest bidder unsuccessfully trying to cheat time and death–on the other hand, people badly disfigured from birth or in accidents have a right to high quality and affordable reconstructive surgery

5. Education from primary grades through higher education–where are all those mathematical wizards who concoct complex OTC derivatives going to learn all that fuckery they need to use to swindle the world? Look at it like that if you have to, or just care more about the fact that illiteracy and ignorance have devastating domino effects not only on individuals but on historically underprivileged groups and society as a whole for generations upon generations.

6. Basic public transportation that can handle the demand of the communities it serves

Short listf things that can be sold for whatever the market will bear:

1. iPhones, Guitar Hero, and other such technological play things

2. Expensive cars

3. Vacation packages to the Bahamas, etc.

4. You get the picture

Disagree, then you don’t give two shits about anyone but yourself, and don’t even try to drape yourself in the flag by portraying unbridled greed and avarice as patriotic. That being said, feel free to disagree with me here so I can spank you properly. I’m sure the first criticism will be something like “if you don’t like America, then move to Cuba or Venezuela or wherever.” Bring it on, teabagger.

[Via http://liberaldemfromhell.wordpress.com]

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