Thursday, December 24, 2009


I don’t think that liberals deny that they want redistributionist policies — although they may dislike the word.

It is a bit harsh, because it is blunt. They probably prefer something like “helping the less fortunate,” which certainly sounds nice until you realize that it is not they who they want to “help the less fortunate” — it is you they have elected to do so.

The liberals are willing to do their part (or at least they say they are), but as collectivists they like company, specifically YOUR company — and if you will not join them in their charity…well, they will force you through government to do so.

Actually, they don’t want your company so much as your money. They consider you well beneath their enlightened station and dislike your company, just read their remarks on this Blog.

Most of them hate Christianity, but will use a third party (a party with the monopoly on automatic weapons) to enforce “Christian Charity.” (They of course will not EVER use that phrase, just use that charitable concept.)

Not Socialism…just edging toward or marching toward socialism (small “s”).

Europeans are more easily broken to the yoke than are Americans.

At least some Americans. We are just hours away from a night that 2,500 REAL Americans, one-third of whom had no shoes and all of whom were starved and suffering dysentery, trudged all night through a Nor’easter snow storm – leaving blood-red streaks in the snow to attack those Europeans in their barracks at dawn and win the Revolutionary War.

But there were pro-Europeans in America then as well as now.


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