Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Stimulus Effect in Oregon

The effect of Obama’s Socialist Stimulus in Oregon has not been what Obama led the nation to believe.

It has not created real jobs, only expanded government and provided a temporary “busy work” for a few in the private sector.

One person was hired by a socialist government program to help deal with the increase in their caseload due to the recession.  He was told that this position was permanent.  That gives great insight into how the government operates.  It clearly implies that there is no intention whatsoever of reducing government, only expanding it. 

And when things get better and the caseload drops will this person vote for the candidate who will promise to reduce government waste by doing what every profitable, well-run business does, cutting unnecessary labor?  That would certainly be the right thing to do for the country but will this person vote for it when the time comes?  Of course not and neither will any of the people who have received similar positions or increases in wages and benefits.  This is how the socialists in America bribe the electorate.  It is corruption through and through.

Just one more real example in the long list of failures of socialism.

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