Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Well-oiled War...

In another year of the 21st Century AD, the great oil wars began. It was called many names. The Great Empire called it a terrorist war, fraught with weapons of mass destruction and the beginning of democracy in the Mid-east. The warriors of Islam called it Jihad. Many acts of horror (actually war) were committed on both sides against ideals and reasons for war. “This our World…War is wrong…because there is Life here…bleep,bleep and bleep.”

The oil wars began as Iran used flying weapons to sink and destroy shipping lanes out of the Middle East. Israel, already involved with an on again, off again proxy war with Lebanon and Palestine, the Great Empire’s proxy warriors attacked Syria and Iran. The war against Terrorism already causing direct engagement by The Empire’s Combine in Iraq and Afghanistan broadens into Iran. (From the Persian Gulf through the Straits of Hormuz into the Gulf of Oman and into the Indian Ocean). 90% of the world’s oil exported from the Mid-east passes through the Straits of Hormuz.

Before the Iranian warriors were stopped, many great oil tankers were destroyed. Their remains jammed the ports across the Strait of Hormuz: Iran was destroyed, and no Rachel it does not take atomics to destroy a country. Destruction requires the correct amount of death, destruction and purpose. Black crude always justifies the correct mix of everything to destroy a country.

Check this: In history, where has Iran under any name been involved with territorial wars, wars of conquest, etc? Persia was Iran and the UAE before the Colonialist of Oil came into an uneasy power.

Note: Once upon a time brought life, or “the miracle of life” to earth or a new Earth along with other powers beyond Eden on Earth or on another world dying, decaying or alive and vibrant like Eden or Mars or somewhere over another rainbow. Earth maybe? The collision of powers beyond life or of life or of war and death and runaway cycles of birth, life and death in a endless variation of sorrow, fear, happiness, fear and other wonderful expressions of life or death or… Hearing these confusions and in silence, war begins another ending. Just before another cycle?

Splendid thoughts of shapes of other shapes and other things and sounds and people and scenes within scenes with scenic folk, both together and alone. I drive into city, my city by a bay, in a whirl of lights and wheels and stop and going, until I park. They watch water, wet leaves and wet trees swaying in the warm wind and breeze and the rustling of passing cars.

Did the story of Moses and the Pharaohs actually take place in ancient Egypt or was it on another world prior to the end of that planet’s life cycle? Readings of earth’s history provides a collision of fact, time, events, places so mixed up and…


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