Oliver Fein, M.D.
Steffie Woolhandler, M.D., M.P.H.
David Himmelstein, M.D.
Margaret Flowers, M.D.
Mark Almberg, PNHP, (312) 782-6006,
The following statement was released today by leaders of Physicians for a National Health Program, Their signatures appear below.
As much as we would like to join the celebration of the House’s passage of the health bill last night, in good conscience we cannot. We take no comfort in seeing aspirin dispensed for the treatment of cancer.
Instead of eliminating the root of the problem – the profit-driven, private health insurance industry – this costly new legislation will enrich and further entrench these firms. The bill would require millions of Americans to buy private insurers’ defective products, and turn over to them vast amounts of public money.
The hype surrounding the new health bill is belied by the facts:
About 23 million people will remain uninsured nine years out. That figure translates into an estimated 23,000 unnecessary deaths annually and an incalculable toll of suffering.
Millions of middle-income people will be pressured to buy commercial health insurance policies costing up to 9.5 percent of their income but covering an average of only 70 percent of their medical expenses, potentially leaving them vulnerable to financial ruin if they become seriously ill. Many will find such policies too expensive to afford or, if they do buy them, too expensive to use because of the high co-pays and deductibles.
Insurance firms will be handed at least $447 billion in taxpayer money to subsidize the purchase of their shoddy products. This money will enhance their financial and political power, and with it their ability to block future reform.
The bill will drain about $40 billion from Medicare payments to safety-net hospitals, threatening the care of the tens of millions who will remain uninsured.
People with employer-based coverage will be locked into their plan’s limited network of providers, face ever-rising costs and erosion of their health benefits. Many, even most, will eventually face steep taxes on their benefits as the cost of insurance grows.
Health care costs will continue to skyrocket, as the experience with the Massachusetts plan (after which this bill is patterned) amply demonstrates.
The much-vaunted insurance regulations – e.g. ending denials on the basis of pre-existing conditions – are riddled with loopholes, thanks to the central role that insurers played in crafting the legislation. Older people can be charged up to three times more than their younger counterparts, and large companies with a predominantly female workforce can be charged higher gender-based rates at least until 2017.
Women’s reproductive rights will be further eroded, thanks to the burdensome segregation of insurance funds for abortion and for all other medical services.
It didn’t have to be like this. Whatever salutary measures are contained in this bill, e.g. additional funding for community health centers, could have been enacted on a stand-alone basis.
Similarly, the expansion of Medicaid – a woefully underfunded program that provides substandard care for the poor – could have been done separately, along with an increase in federal appropriations to upgrade its quality.
But instead the Congress and the Obama administration have saddled Americans with an expensive package of onerous individual mandates, new taxes on workers’ health plans, countless sweetheart deals with the insurers and Big Pharma, and a perpetuation of the fragmented, dysfunctional, and unsustainable system that is taking such a heavy toll on our health and economy today.
This bill’s passage reflects political considerations, not sound health policy. As physicians, we cannot accept this inversion of priorities. We seek evidence-based remedies that will truly help our patients, not placebos.
A genuine remedy is in plain sight. Sooner rather than later, our nation will have to adopt a single-payer national health insurance program, an improved Medicare for all. Only a single-payer plan can assure truly universal, comprehensive and affordable care to all.
By replacing the private insurers with a streamlined system of public financing, our nation could save $400 billion annually in unnecessary, wasteful administrative costs. That’s enough to cover all the uninsured and to upgrade everyone else’s coverage without having to increase overall U.S. health spending by one penny.
Moreover, only a single-payer system offers effective tools for cost control like bulk purchasing, negotiated fees, global hospital budgeting and capital planning.
Polls show nearly two-thirds of the public supports such an approach, and a recent survey shows 59 percent of U.S. physicians support government action to establish national health insurance. All that is required to achieve it is the political will.
The major provisions of the present bill do not go into effect until 2014. Although we will be counseled to “wait and see” how this reform plays out, we cannot wait, nor can our patients. The stakes are too high.
We pledge to continue our work for the only equitable, financially responsible and humane remedy for our health care mess: single-payer national health insurance, an expanded and improved Medicare for All.
Oliver Fein, M.D.
Garrett Adams, M.D.
Claudia Fegan, M.D.
Past President
Margaret Flowers, M.D.
Congressional Fellow
David Himmelstein, M.D.
Steffie Woolhandler, M.D.
Quentin Young, M.D.
National Coordinator
Don McCanne, M.D.
Senior Health Policy Fellow
Physicians for a National Health Program ( is an organization of 17,000 doctors who support single-payer national health insurance. To speak with a physician/spokesperson in your area, visit or call (312) 782-6006.
Earlier today, House Democrat leaders predicted passage of the massive government takeover of the American health-care system, as they worked feverishly to nail down the 216 votes needed to approve the measure this evening. This afternoon they picked up the support of one lawmaker concerned about the abortion issue and another who had voted against last November’s health care measure, while losing the vote of Democrat Rep. Zack Space, a second-term lawmaker from a swing district in eastern Ohio, said he would vote “no” Sunday, a switch from his vote for health care in November.
The pro-life faction of Democrats led by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) has been in talks with the White House, with reports a deal had been reached on language that they had previously said amounted to taxpayer funding of abortion.
The Washington Post displays a chart showing how members voted on health-care legislation Nov. 7, where they stand now and who is still undecided. Previously 39 Democrats broke with their party.
If this monstrosity passes, every American would be required to obtain coverage or face a penalty of at least $695 a year. Employers would be under a government mandate to offer coverage or face penalties of $2,000 per worker. The fraud being perpetrated is that this mega-plan would reduce costs, something that is beyond rational thinking. It will limit care by rationing, of that you can be sure.
I just read an interesting review of a new behavioral psychology book, “Addiction: A Disorder of Choice,” by Gene Heyman. As the review states, the key theme of the book is “that the idea [of] addiction [as] a disease has been based on a limited view of voluntary behavior.” As a remedy to this limited view, the author draws out the distinction between addiction and diseases such as Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis, the course of which cannot be altered by voluntary behavior. In contrast, he argues that the success of treatment programs which provide reinforcement for sobriety demonstrates that a key element of addiction is choice- if it were not, incentives just wouldn’t work. Of course, this suggests that the move toward viewing addiction as a disease rather than a choice is problematic in light of what we normally mean by “disease.” But, what’s far more interesting to me is the implication that the “disease of choice” thesis has for our concept of ”choice.” This is the issue I will explore further.
The person snorting her first line of coke or dabbing a little bit of heroin does not want to become a hopeless crackwhore or junkie anymore than the person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s wants to lose her memory. In this way addiction resembles a disease more than a choice. Most rational people don’t want to destroy themselves, and most addicts start out as rational people who want to feel better. Addiction is the sum of incremental choices made on an ever-sliding scale of rewards and negative consequences. It feels good and doesn’t seem that bad the first time, it might seem worse the next time, but it feels even better, and so on and so forth until it is a serious, life-swallowing problem that you just can’t resist. Except of course, you can resist it, and if and when you do resist it, the negative symptoms of addiction get better. The same can’t be said of Alzheimer’s.
The possibility of resisting addictive behaviors is what makes addiction a “choice,” but no addict manages to resist indulging unless he has stronger incentives to refrain than to continue. Of course, as anyone who has studied the philosophy of David Hume can tell you, this isn’t just the way choice works with addicts. A choice is always determined by competing desires. This is as true of the martyr debating whether a vow of silence is more important than a cry for help as it is for a junkie debating between one more hit and passing his court-appointed drug test. We are all slaves to our desires, some of us just have crueler masters.
The fact that actions are determined by desires, and desires themselves are, on some basic level, unchosen, raises a serious question about ultimate moral responsibility. I’m not going to offer an opinion on that question, but I mention it because this is clearly the issue that motivates the move toward viewing addiction as a disease rather than a choice. If addiction is a choice and addicts do terrible things, then they are morally responsible for those terrible things. If addiction is a disease, then addicts shouldn’t be blamed for the “symptoms” of their disease. Intuitively, I think most of us want to carve out some sort of middle position in between these two extremes. What’s troubling about addiction is not the content of the desire. Wanting a line of coke is not like wanting to rape a child. The problem is the overwhelming force of the desire: Addicts privilege their fix over all other competing desires, including the desire to fulfill moral obligations to other people. So, to preserve the intuition that addicts can be responsible for bad things but not be bad people, we are intentionally opaque in the use of terms like “disease”- which addiction really isn’t- and “choice” -which addiction really is, but which implies a level of freedom and self-determination that nobody really has.
I think Heynman is right to characterize addiction as a “choice,” but the word needs to be trimmed of its metaethical weight. Addicts have a choice because their behavior is determined by one desire, and that behavior could be altered if competing desires become more powerful. Treatment programs are designed to strengthen the motivational force of these competing desires by focusing the addict’s attention on all of the things that they can keep or get by staying sober and all of the things which they stand to lose if they don’t. These programs also offer incentives that tip the balance of competing desires by making some desire-fulfillment much easier than other desire fulfillment. All of this suggests that addiction- both the active problem, and the process of recovery- is not a singular, moral choice. Choice is never-ending sequence of battles between competing desires. The fact that treatment programs work by reinforcing certain desires and disincentivizing others should not suggest to us that addicts have much in the way of power or freedom to change on their own. It simply means that, given the right support and opportunities, they can change. Of course, the same description of choice is equally applied to non-addicts as well.
Please click to download answer to Economics- Technology. Ace your paper with the help of My Little Tutor!
1. How does technology affect an organization’s productivity and costs? How has your organization used technology? What was the effect on productivity and costs? How do technical and economically efficient concepts shape the long-run average total-cost curve (thinks generally, and drill down to specifics if possible)?
Lady Liberty, that beacon of light and hope, has a potentially terminal disease, called Liberalism.
Tomorrow, likely, the Democrats will vote to end the Constitutional Republic that America has been since 1776.
But it’s for your own good.
The Government knows better.
Last Thursday, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board voted to set up a committee to examine whether condoms should be required on all pornographic film shoots.
California has run out of money, but it hasn’t yet run out of things to regulate. (IBD)
A bill introduced this week by Brooklyn Assemblyman Felix Ortiz would ban use of salt in every dish, in every drink, on every plate, in every restaurant, in every single part of New York State.
“No owner or operator of a restaurant in this state shall use salt in any form in the preparation of any food for consumption by customers of such restaurant, including food prepared to be consumed on the premises of such restaurant or off of such premises,” the bill, A. 10129 , states in part.”
Violators would be hit with a $1,000 fine for each salty dish.
Ortiz says the ban is designed to save lives, and would save billions of dollars in health care costs.
And I just saw this guy on “America Live” yesterday on FOX and when the host joked about cutting, fat and cholesterol and other unhealthy things, he agreed that should happen to and this was just the start for him.
The government should regulate what you eat, because you’re not to be trusted.
And it’s for your own good.
Sony Pictures Entertainment Chief Executive Michael Lynton called on the nation’s biggest circuits to think about the waist lines of their customers, not just their own bottom lines.(LA Times)
He’s advocating doing away with Butter on popcorn.
The salt ban prompted my to post this on a message board:
Since the Liberals are so intent on the Government saving everyone from themselves I think
Obama needs to takeover the Grocery Stores and close all Convenience Stores and Fast Food.
They are after all, sell things that are bad for you.
Think of it, the government can make sure you eat healthy and nothing but healthy.
They could issue you a card that has all your “best for you” foods on it and then you won’t be allowed to buy anything that is bad for you.
Think what it could do for ObamaCare and Health Care costs.
The government will decide what’s good for you and you have to eat it.
Also, the government programs like Food Stamps can be expanded so no one goes hungry ever again.
They can make it Mandatory.
Then they take over the Restaurants because you can’t be trusted.
And Fast Food will have to be outlawed because they are pure evil.
Utopia awaits.
And you’ll never have to think again about your health, the government has you covered.
Cooking Shows will have to be government controlled.
And We’ll have the Food Police to arrest black marketers selling products and to make sure all government regulations are enforced.
Embrace the Freedom from thought and stress.
Then after I write it I wonder about government subsidized Gym memberships, for all those unhealthy people who can’t afford it.
That’s unfair too. (in the Liberal world).
You have a right to be healthy and those evil corporate bastards are making you fat and unhappy. It’s just wrong….
And with the Government eliminating every Student Loan in the country that is in Private hands and giving it all over to the Bank of North Dakota, a College Education as a right can’t be far off.
It’s for your own good.
We’ll have a “healthy”, “well-educated”, well-cared for, populace.
What could be wrong with that?
How about Freedom.
Overrated in the Liberal world.
You’re not smart enough to be free.
The government must protect you from yourself.
You will have the freedom to agree with them, or else.
And with Cap and Trade, Census gerrymandering, and Amnesty they will try and control everything and everyone else.
But it will be for your own good.
You can’t be trusted.
Meanwhile, ObamaCare will result in the creation of at least 16,500 new jobs. Doctors? Nurses? Ha! Dream on, suckers. That’s 16,500 new IRS agents, who’ll be needed to check whether you — yes, you, Mr. and Mrs. Hopendope of 27 Hopeychangey Gardens — comply with the 15 tax increases and dozens of new federal mandates about to be “deemed” into existence.
This will be the biggest expansion of the IRS since World War Two — and that’s change you can believe in. This is what “health” “care” “reform” boils down to: fewer doctors, longer wait times, but more bureaucrats.
So can the IRS Health Care Enforcement Division be far from reality?
The Food Police.
The Energy Police.
The Internet Police.
The TV police.
The Education Police.
Welcome to the new America of your God (and President for life when Liberal repeal the Constitutional Amendment on Term Limits) Barack Hussein Obama.
It’s not like Liberals take the Constitution or the Consent of The Governed seriously.
That’s how dire it really is folks.
The Second American Revolution has to begin.
You have no choice.
Unless, you want to prostrate and kiss the Emperor’s ring.
Mark Steyn: Obama is government, and government is Obama. That’s all he knows and all he’s ever known. You elected to the highest office in the land a man who’s never run a business or created wealth or made a payroll, and for his entire adult life has hung out with guys who’ve demonized such grubby activities. Obama’s Cabinet has less experience of private business than any in the last century. What it knows is government, and government’s default mode is to grow, and grow.
Look around you, take it all in. From now on, it gets worse. If you have kids, they’ll live in smaller homes, drive smaller cars, live smaller lives. If you don’t have kids, you better hope your neighbors do, because someone needs to spawn a working population large enough to pay for the unsustainable entitlements the Obama party has suckered you into thinking you’re entitled to.
The unfunded liabilities of current entitlements are $100 trillion. Try typing that onto your pocket calculator. You can’t. There isn’t enough room for all the zeroes.
Obama and Pelosi are strong-arming swing-state congressmen into taking one for the deem. It’s appropriate that it should take banana-republic maneuvers to ram this through, because it’s about government so powerful it can make up the rules as it goes along. Maybe regulators should roll a giant condom over the Capitol before it fatally infects the rest of us.
“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”– Samuel Adams
“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.”–Samuel Adams
“For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery“.–Jonathan Swift
“2010 is not just a choice between Republicans and Democrats. 2010 is not just a choice between liberals and conservatives. 2010 is a referendum on the very identity of our nation.” –Florida Gubernatorial Candidate (and Tea Party Activist)
“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”–
Thomas Jefferson
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.“
Benjamin Franklin
“When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.”
Thomas Paine
“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”
Charlie Chaplin
So let us all hold the flame of liberty, so that one day it will live again.
I’ve come across Shadow Government Statistics before but I was recently reminded of them again. The proprietor of the site, Walter J. “John” Williams provides this background:
Walter J. “John” Williams was born in 1949. He received an A.B. in Economics, cum laude, from Dartmouth College in 1971, and was awarded a M.B.A. from Dartmouth’s Amos Tuck School of Business Administration in 1972, where he was named an Edward Tuck Scholar. During his career as a consulting economist, John has worked with individuals as well as Fortune 500 companies.
Formally known as Walter J. Williams, my friends call me John. For more than 25 years, I have been a private consulting economist and, out of necessity, had to become a specialist in government economic reporting.
One of my early clients was a large manufacturer of commercial airplanes, who had developed an econometric model for predicting revenue passenger miles. The level of revenue passenger miles was their primary sales forecasting tool, and the model was heavily dependent on the GNP (now GDP) as reported by the Department of Commerce. Suddenly, their model stopped working, and they asked me if I could fix it. I realized the GNP numbers were faulty, corrected them for my client (official reporting was similarly revised a couple of years later) and the model worked again, at least for a while, until GNP methodological changes eventually made the underlying data worthless.
That began a lengthy process of exploring the history and nature of economic reporting and in interviewing key people involved in the process from the early days of government reporting through the present. For a number of years I conducted surveys among business economists as to the quality of government statistics (the vast majority thought it was pretty bad), and my results led to front page stories in the New York Times and Investors Business Daily, considerable coverage in the broadcast media and a joint meeting with representatives of all the government’s statistical agencies. Despite minor changes to the system, government reporting has deteriorated sharply in the last decade or so. — John Williams
Manipulating numbers is a very easy thing. The U.S. Government’s numbers may have as much plausibility as China’s GDP numbers. How correct John Williams statistics are I cannot testify. I doubt most economists can tell either seeing how well they’ve covered their profession in glory the past two years. Many economists were perhaps shocked temporarily out of their narrative in the immediate aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis but most have comfortably settled back into their existing worldview.
I present the Shadow Government Stats here as food for thought:
What’s wrong with this brochure? The front advertises the CrediAMIGO microfinance program run by the Banco do Nordeste, a Brazilian, state-run, development bank. CrediAMIGO is the largest microfinance program in South America in terms of numbers of clients. “Those who want to grow should remember one name: CrediAMIGO.”
The flip side of the brochure gives the details of the program and the interest rate charged on loans.
The fine print shrewdly explains that the incredibly low 1.32% monthly rate advertised will, when calculated on Effective Interest Rate terms (roughly equivalent to APR rates used in the US), result in annualized interest charges of between 33% and 62% (not taking into account fees charged for opening accounts not mentioned here but only on the CrediAMIGO website “Products Page”).
As part of the Manitoba Modern Economics, Technology and the Environment project, I have come out with a 2010 budget wish list for the provincial budget. The budget, which comes out March 23, 2010, faces one of the greatest challenges in a while. For the first time in recent memory, Manitoba forecasts a deficit, in the range of $555 million. One can account that their were many problems that happened in 2009, namely the H1N1 flu, 2009 spring flood, and the global economic crisis. All of these dried out the coffers of the government as the cost of the H1N1 and spring flood cost Manitoba $146 million. Add to that Manitoba Hydro’s revenue declined by $136 million, and Manitoba is in the red.
Despite the deficit, Manitoba has many challenges ahead. This includes, poverty reduction, building an environmentally sustainable province, and a very high-tech economy with new exciting high-tech industries that can compete with the rest of the world.
In Manitoba Budget 2010: Recommendations to the Province of Manitoba, I as the creator of Manitoba Modern Economics, Technology have laid out what the province can do in tough times like these to bring in the deficit, while decreasing poverty, greening our environment and building a high-tech province.
This includes:
- Increasing the higher income tax bracket in 2011 for a temporary measure, along with creating a sur tax for the highest income earners until 2013.
- Decreases the lower-income tax bracket.
- Claw back MLA salaries and pensions by 5%
- Freeze public service sector employees salaries for two years.
- Creation of the Social Entrepreneurship tax credit to encourage social entrepreneurship.
- New credit for worker owned and micro businesses.
- Environmental community entrepreneurship tax credit of 5% for local green enterprises.
- Start a round table discussion for a carbon tax within the Province for 2012.
- Increase green technology research & development by 5% and 10% if a carbon tax system is in place by 2012.
- Creating a green jobs training program.
- Allowing consumer co-operatives and small-scale private businesses to offer alternative energy.
- Expand the Interactive media tax credit’s maximum 40% limit from $500,000 to $1,000,000.
Even if the province implemented some of these ideas, the province would be well on its way to reducing the deficit, while efficiently using their resources to work on the things society cares about, which are eliminating poverty, a clean environment and new job creation.
For more information contact Adam Johnston at:
The recent blog by David Drummond, chief legal officer at Google, proves that the company’s leadership learned little from their move to China in 2006.
China is a complicated market, more so with the media industry. The Communist Central Party (CCP) retains far more control over media, the press, and the internet than any other economy at a similarly-developed level. Internet companies must carefully consider how to enter China so they do not get forced into releasing personal account information.
Google took a long, hard look at the plight of Yahoo! in China. When it entered the country, Google kept its gmail and gchat services off of servers located in China. Because personal account information was stored on servers outside of China, Google was safe from being forced to turn over sensitive information.
Google made two broad errors since entering China: failing to assess its target consumer and reacting with ultimatums to the recent hacker attack.
When it entered China in 2006, Google tried to fight the CCP at every step, announcing that it was fighting for the rights of the common Chinese consumer. When taken from a western perspective these actions are honorable. But the Chinese are just as nationalistic and proud of their country as the US. They are not inclined to demand their rights from the government entity that brought them out of the Cultural Revolution and provided them with over 9.3% GDP growth for 15 years.
China comes from a cultural base that is collective, Confucian, and non-rebellious. Its perspective on freedom of speech and freedom of property varies from ours in that it assigns to these issues a lower level of importance. Google went into China espousing American values that did not translate well. As Kai-Fu Lee, former head of Google China, was quoted as saying, “The Chinese internet is different from the US and European internet. If you don’t listen humbly to your customers and pay close attention to the subtle differences you will fail…That is why, generally, US internet companies have, with the exception of Google, failed in China” (Neate, 2010). While Kai-Fu Lee seems to feel Google has listened to the consumer’s needs, I feel that Kai-Fu Lee’s departure from Google shows in part that it did not.
Additionally, Google’s ultimatum blog posting represents a major failure to grasp opportunity. Had it understood Chinese history, it would know to play the victim in this case. Take the Chinese classic “The Three Kingdoms” for example. Every Chinese businessperson reads this novel as a strategic guide to business. In it, a master strategist named Zhuge Liang finds his army stuck on a river bank awaiting an attack the next morning. They know they don’t have enough arrows to repel the enemy that will cross the river in the morning. So Zhuge Liang has his army build and dress straw mannequins and place them in boats. They then float the boats across the river with ropes and swimming soldiers. The enemy, fearing a pre-emptive attack, fires arrows that stick in the mannequins. The boats are pulled back and the next day Zhuge’s army uses the enemy’s own arrows to repel their attack, decimating the enemy in the process.
Stories like these are what Google should have read to gain an understanding of Chinese culture and history. Had it approached this situation with a more humble form of outrage, Google would have gained negotiating leverage and respect in a country where the government is not known to give it. It could have used the arrows from the ineffective attack as ammunition to fire back at the CCP.
Cited Works:
Neate, Rupert. “The former Google boss creating China’s answer to Silicon Valley”. The Daily Telegraph. London (UK). Mar. 12, 2010. Pg. 4.
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OK, I have to admit, I am one of those who read “The Road to Serfdom” and totally loved it. Hayek was spot on about the folly of planned economies. The markets are not perfect. But having imperfect markets beats planned economies on any day. We just have to provide a reasonable amount of regulation and provide social safety nets that take care of those who end up taking one for the team because of the dynamics of the free market.
And that is why I thought this post by Easterly was kind of neat.
PS: forgive the terse posts lately. Blame it on this being the last week of winter quarter.
by AL Whitney (C) copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved
And the Bankers Manifesto of 1892
It is amazing to watch how much of the population in the United States has developed such intense team loyalty. To listen to Ohio State University and Michigan State fans before or during their annual game, you would think the guys on the field were locked in a mortal winner-takes-all battle. And fans have been known to cry or get depressed if their ‘team’ looses.
The team loyalty ‘religion’ is also an integral part of the divide and conquer strategy being used on the population of the U.S. by the global gangster/bankers. Some people actually admit they are Democrats or Republicans for no other reason than that’s what their parents were. Currently Team Republican seems to prefer O’Reilly and FOX news and Team Democrat are fans of Olberman and MSNBC. This is NOT an accident that the media (controlled by a few huge corporations) constantly beats the Democrat versus the Republican (or vice versa) drums. It is orchestrated to keep us divided and prevent us from noticing what is going on behind the curtain. If we woke up and realized that Washington DC is now a replication of the movie The Godfather and Ben Bernake’s testimony to Congress was exactly like Michael Corleons, we’d recognize why our economy is in on the brink of collapse and who is REALLY responsible.
In the early 1900’s US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota revealed The Bankers Manifesto of 1892 before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917 – to warn the citizens.
Perhaps the gangster/banksters got the idea of promoting a rivalry (as a smokescreen) from the Hatfields and McCoys which took place from 1878-1891? The Hatfield-McCoy feud (1878 – 1891) is an account of American folklore that has become a metaphor for bitterly feuding rival parties in general.
The Bankers Manifesto of 1892
“We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them.
At the coming Omaha Convention to be held July 4th (1892), our men must attend and direct its movement, or else there will be set on foot such antagonism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This at the present time would be premature. We are not yet ready for such a crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possible manner through combination ( conspiracy) and legislation.
The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.
When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.
History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism.
The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.
By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, by discreet action, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and successfully accomplished.
Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an IMPERIALISM of capital to govern the world.
By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished.
So what is it that both Team Republican and Team Democrat have in common that the gangster/banksters don’t want us to come together on? Here are just a few very likely possibilities:
job losses
pension losses
pollution of our air (chemtrails) and water
privatization of our public services and resources
crumbling infrastructure that there doesn’t seem to be enough money to fix
a devastating deficit that grows larger each year as the politicians refuse to stop waging endless wars
poor quality education for all of our children
unreliable voting system that can be manipulated electronically
a regimented computerized health care system that is now being forced upon us
unsafe drugs and vaccines are being overprescribed to us due to the conflict of interest and corruption at the CDC, the FDA, and the WHO
corporatized medicine (Medicine, INC.) that is now a ‘for profit industry’ placing safety and patient care far behind corporate earnings
imported unsafe food (80% of all seafood is now imported and very likely not safe to eat)
Finally, every time I ask ANYONE if they feel like we are drowning in corruption they respond with an emphatic YES!
We need a real awakening and we need to recognize who our common enemy is:
The entire centralized global banking cartel (the gangster/banksters aka The MoneyMasters) and their ‘pals’ such as: the Bank Of International Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Club Of Rome, The Committee Of 300, the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency (CIA), the Council On Foreign Relations, The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Bilderberg Groups, the ‘Federal’ Reserve System, the Internal Revenue Service(s), Goldman Sachs, Israel and the Israeli lobby, the Vatican, the City of London, Brussels, the United Nations, the Israeli Mossad, and the primary chosen mouthpiece of the beast, the Associated Press (AP).” For more info about their ‘agenda’, read The ‘City’ World Conquest
Ellen Brown of Web of Debt is promoting an end to the Central Bankers control of our economy and a restoration of sound monetary policy: Campaigning for State Owned Banks
My very first awakening into ”reality’ regarding globalization was watching TheMoneyMasters. It took me several days to digest a) the magnitude of lies and deception that was ongoing and b) the serious implications the corrupt central banking system represents to our country and our families. But, I recovered.
Last night I saw the excellent Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for the first time. There’s a lot of economics in that movie.
For instance, when Butch Cassidy finds out the expensive lengths the train company is going to in order to stop he and Sundance from robbing them, he identifies and laments a pareto improving road not taking.:
“A set-up like that costs more than we ever took…If he’d just pay me what he’s spending to make me stop robbing him, I’d stop robbing him.”
This is a lesson in the limitations of the Coase theorem, especially when one party has shows a willingness to break the law. Reputation and trust matter for effective contracts.
Later Butch wants, and in fact tries, to make a bargain with the government, offering to fight in the Spanish-American war and stop his criminal ways if all their past crimes will be forgiven. Again, the reputation and the commitment problem prevent a pareto improving outcome.
A+ Tutorial: Labor Supply and Demand- Airline Industry
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Please click to download tutorial to Labor Supply and Demand- Airline Industry. Ace your paper with the help of My Little Tutor!
Write a scenario that would cause a shift in labor supply and demand. The following
areas have had high job growth rates and can be used for your scenario: transportation,
insurance, technology, and health care industries.
· Post a 200- to 300–word response that focuses on the following:
o What is the area of employment?
o Why has this shift occurred?
o In what direction would the shift in labor supply and demand go?
o What would be its effect on the equilibrium of the labor market?
Six hundred workers will lose their jobs when owner Gannett Co. sells the The Honolulu Advertiser newspaper and related assets to Oahu Publications Inc., owner of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
Gannett is the parent company of the Arizona Republic. The Honolulu Advertiser was founded in 1856. Gannett purchased the paper in 1993.
The majority owner of the Star-Bulletin, David Black, has put his newspaper up for sale. However, he has said if a buyer isn’t found, the two newspapers will merge and layoffs will occur, according to an AP report in Editor & Publisher.
It is not known how many Advertiser employees would be rehired under a merged operation.
The Honolulu Advertiser reported the sale on February 25.
In another year of the 21st Century AD, the great oil wars began. It was called many names. The Great Empire called it a terrorist war, fraught with weapons of mass destruction and the beginning of democracy in the Mid-east. The warriors of Islam called it Jihad. Many acts of horror (actually war) were committed on both sides against ideals and reasons for war. “This our World…War is wrong…because there is Life here…bleep,bleep and bleep.”
The oil wars began as Iran used flying weapons to sink and destroy shipping lanes out of the Middle East. Israel, already involved with an on again, off again proxy war with Lebanon and Palestine, the Great Empire’s proxy warriors attacked Syria and Iran. The war against Terrorism already causing direct engagement by The Empire’s Combine in Iraq and Afghanistan broadens into Iran. (From the Persian Gulf through the Straits of Hormuz into the Gulf of Oman and into the Indian Ocean). 90% of the world’s oil exported from the Mid-east passes through the Straits of Hormuz.
Before the Iranian warriors were stopped, many great oil tankers were destroyed. Their remains jammed the ports across the Strait of Hormuz: Iran was destroyed, and no Rachel it does not take atomics to destroy a country. Destruction requires the correct amount of death, destruction and purpose. Black crude always justifies the correct mix of everything to destroy a country.
Check this: In history, where has Iran under any name been involved with territorial wars, wars of conquest, etc? Persia was Iran and the UAE before the Colonialist of Oil came into an uneasy power.
Note: Once upon a time brought life, or “the miracle of life” to earth or a new Earth along with other powers beyond Eden on Earth or on another world dying, decaying or alive and vibrant like Eden or Mars or somewhere over another rainbow. Earth maybe? The collision of powers beyond life or of life or of war and death and runaway cycles of birth, life and death in a endless variation of sorrow, fear, happiness, fear and other wonderful expressions of life or death or… Hearing these confusions and in silence, war begins another ending. Just before another cycle?
Splendid thoughts of shapes of other shapes and other things and sounds and people and scenes within scenes with scenic folk, both together and alone. I drive into city, my city by a bay, in a whirl of lights and wheels and stop and going, until I park. They watch water, wet leaves and wet trees swaying in the warm wind and breeze and the rustling of passing cars.
Did the story of Moses and the Pharaohs actually take place in ancient Egypt or was it on another world prior to the end of that planet’s life cycle? Readings of earth’s history provides a collision of fact, time, events, places so mixed up and…
PRESIDENT OBAMA has bowed to pressure from deficit hawks in Congress and on Wall Street by agreeing to their longtime pet project, a commission charged with reining in the federal budget.
The concept behind the creation of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform was invented on Wall Street. For more than two decades, private-equity billionaire Peter G. Peterson and an array of Peterson-affiliated groups such as the Concord Coalition and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget have been warning that deficits and “unfunded liabilities’’ would crash the economy. Funny thing, though, when the actual crash came it had nothing to do with projected public deficits and everything to do with excesses in private financial markets.
According to Peterson’s billion-dollar foundation, “Washington is broken,’’ and it will take an extra-legislative commission to provide the fiscal discipline that Congress has failed to achieve. In fact, however, the Clinton administration put the budget into surplus. It wasn’t “Washington’’ that pushed it back into deficit, but the Bush tax cuts and two off-budget wars.
Obama’s large deficits are mostly the result of the legacy of the Bush tax cuts and the depleted revenues resulting from recession, not the stimulus program. Before Obama took office, the projected deficit for 2009 was already in excess of 8 percent of GDP.
Since Republicans have made clear that they will oppose tax increases, the general assumption is that the 18-member commission, with six presidential appointees and the remaining 12 to be appointed by Congress, will recommend mainly cuts in Social Security and Medicare. This is quite a message to the American people:
Abuses in private financial markets whacked the value of your home, your retirement savings, and your job. Now, in order to pay for the costs of bailing out the banks, we will also have to cut back the two public benefits you can count on that were not tainted by private-sector excesses: your Social Security and your Medicare.
The commission’s members are mostly part of the club that supports deep cuts in social insurance. Five out of the six members appointed by Obama are basically deficit hawks. Peter Orszag, Obama’s budget director, is a longtime supporter of the commission and helped sell it to Obama.
The Republican co-chair appointed by Obama, former Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, was a longtime crusader for Social Security privatization. Only one of Obama’s six appointees, Andy Stern of the Service Employees International Union, is a strong Social Security defender. Just one of the Senate appointees, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, is opposed to cuts in entitlements.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has yet to name her three appointees, but at least one is likely to be a deficit hawk. So the deck is pretty well stacked before the commission even begins.
But, wait, aren’t deficits a real problem? Well, the Congressional Budget Office projects that the deficit will plateau at about 3 percent of GDP late in this decade. That’s about a point too high — if the deficit were 2 percent of GDP, the debt ratio would subside. A temporary spike in deficits is no reason to cap or privatize Medicare and Social Security, which is the real agenda of many of the deficit hawks. With unemployment projected to stay above 7 percent until 2014, it’s premature to obsess about deficits. If anything, we need bigger deficits and more public investment in the short run to bring about a stronger recovery. With more people employed and paying taxes and a higher growth rate, revenues would increase and we would not need such heroic measures to cut the deficit.
And if we restore progressive taxation, we can have both a responsible fiscal policy and the increased social investments that America needs without taking it out of Social Security or Medicare. That conclusion, alas, will be the minority report of Obama’s fiscal commission. It should be the majority report.
Robert Kuttner is co-editor of The American Prospect and a senior fellow at Demos. His forthcoming book is “A Presidency in Peril.’’
The following paragraph, taken from my international business law textbook, sums it up perfectly:
“No greater decision can face a firm engaged in international business than the decision to make foreign investments, particularly in the case of active commercial investment (establishment of operations), but equally so in passive portfolio investment (buying securities issued abroad). The firm must decide whether to commit itself to the foreign market in a manner that involves the highest degree of capital investment and the longest commitment to goal achievement, in a situation often difficult to unravel. This all takes place in an environment that may be susceptible to radical change, with the firm’s reduced capability of understanding and adapting to cultural differences. As a result, the commercial potential of such an opportunity should be clear on its face, or capable of explanation in sound and tight commercial terms. If the commercial realities of foreign investment are not well founded, the venture will, at all times, be at serious risk, and no amount of legal creativity will be able to change the situation.”
When choosing to enter a new market, especially one as complicated and culturally different from ours as China, it is important to do homework. There is no worse reason to go to a foreign country to trade, manufacture or sell than “the competition went in, we have to go in too.” How do we know the competition did their homework? By staying out could we gain advantage and market share as they struggle to keep their foreign business operational and profitable?
Entering a foreign market is about research and reporting. Data collection is key. Get as much information as possible and figure out what it says. Look at the history of growth and the various markets. Get all the numbers together and then perform a statistical analysis of that information to gain at least an educated guess of the chances of success or failure. What are the chances, how great is the swing? Standard deviations for ROI opportunities have to be taken into account.
What is the political environment like? Are you expanding domestically? If so, are you ready for different challenges in each new local government? What will the country look like in five years? Are the state-owned banks going to start lending to local entrepreneurs, and if so, what’s going to happen to your product when suddenly an influx of available cash for small businesses creates a market saturated with competition? If you’re entering China with a consumer good like fried chicken, what do the cultural differences suggest? People from Sichuan province are going to want spicy chicken, people from Beijing will not.
When entering a foreign market, no matter where it might be, all possible risks must be assessed and re-assessed. As the company goes in and starts work, at least once per quarter, and probably once per month, someone in upper management should re-review that report and take a hard look at where the business stands. What are we looking like in reality compared to what we saw on paper? If there are issues, how do we address them? Are we missing something from a cultural perspective that is dragging down morale and making our business less profitable? How do we stay on track? How do we keep the lines of communication open? How do we affect real dialogue with our Chinese counterparts and employees? How, in effect, do we succeed?
The answer to that last question is easy: Homework.
If an individual is spending more money than they make, they must either make more money or spend less. If they decide to spend less, they will maintain the essentials and trim back on the non-essentials.
The same is true in the business world. If you are not making a profit, then you need to remove non-essentials from your operating costs. This can sometimes involve painful decisions. It is important to make the right cuts.
The same is true with our government. It is time to recognize what is necessary, and what is non-essential. It is high time to reduce spending in non-essential areas. It is not a time to be spending more money. It is time to be spending less.
Access to drinking water and sanitation facilities is a primary human development goal for all nations that wish to improve the lives of its citizens. Drinking water is hard to come by in nature on the scale that it is used in any country. Currently all developed nations have infrastructures such that it is relatively easy for individuals throughout the inhabited areas to access clean drinking water and human waste removal. In Argentina, the utilities that service drinking water and sanitation have had poor performance for several decades before the government decided to privatize roughly thirty percent of the municipalities. While water and sanitations are public goods, when governments fail to provide adequate service, privatization may have positive externalities during a short transition period (given accountability and contract length) until the political environment is stable enough to maintain utilities to optimize for human development.
The next section will deliver a brief description of common/ public goods in a neoclassical framework as well as information on global development goals. The following section will explain the state of sanitation and drinking water before privatization. Third there will be a detailed explanation of water privatization in Argentina. The essay will end by discussing the past versus the present and the optimal state of drinking water access followed by conclusions.
In order to increase human development water availability must be seen as a public good, one that is non-excludable and non-rivalruos. Neoclassical economics classifies goods by the ability to control who has the right to use a good and whether one person using a good prevents consumption by another. Water delivery and sanitation are both excludable because in order to have access a home must be hooked up and the home must pay for the water used. Drinking water is rivalrous because there is a limited supply of natural drinking water; a utility service needs to provide for waste disposal and water cleansing and delivery. However for increased development, governments need to treat access to drinking water as a public good. In order to improve the well being of citizens water should be non-excludable in the access, homes should be able to be hooked up even if they are of low income. Water and sanitation facilities should also be plentiful enough to supply the population and therefore non-rivalrous. Drinking “water is not just a commodity but a common public good” (Szollosi-Nagy, 2002) that every nation needs to strive to deliver.
The UN Millennium Declaration made eight years ago set forth eight goals for global development and six of them relate directly to access to clean drinking water. Water can be argued as the most important molecule needed to sustain life and limited access to it renders drastic affects such as hunger, disease, child mortality, maternal health and environmental sustainability (UNESCO). All of the problems previously mentioned are still issues in Argentina that can be addressed rather simply by improving the infrastructure and supplying city peripheries and rural areas with water and sanitation. While privatization has improved these factors over the previous management, more needs to be done in order to done in order to be on par with the rest of the developed world.
In the 1970s and 1980s Argentina was following an Import substitution model that required a lot of investment by federal and local governments. After the budget for investment in manufactured goods there were little funds left to invest in water and sanitation development or maintenance, or most other utilities for that matter. The pipes that carried water and sewage were degrading and becoming hazardous, while people on the outskirts of cities in newly settled areas could not get hooked up to receive water or send waste. No new treatment plants were built and the older facilities were not able to handle the increase in demand. “After this long period of negative net investments, huge capital inflows were needed to improve both the quality and access” to water utilities (Galiani, 2002). Devaluation of the Argentine peso and feeing foreign investment made it impossible for the state to fund such encompassing investments. The public sector was not able to make the reforms needed for development in times of economic and political turmoil. In order to eliminate debt the IMF and World Bank required that the government privatize state operates services, the money was all funneled towards servicing debt rather than assist citizens. The private sector was able to access foreign investment in various multiple credit markets given that they offered a positive return to investment. The step towards privatization was on one hand forced but given the scenario it was the only option to increase investments in water utilities.
The state reform law under President Menem in 1989 (Olleta, 2007) started federal privatization of social industries, yet water and sanitation sectors (except for Buenos Ares) were “controlled at the local level, and therefore, the decision to privatize is a local one.” (Galiani, 2002). This independence from federal privatization shows that local governments recognized the need for capitol investment was such that they would act against the cultural norms to pursue alternate funding. Several concerns emerge when goods that people need to live become controlled by the private sector. First is that the private sector may supply sub optimal service quality given that firms take into account profitability rather than health externalities. Second is that privatization would hurt the poor if firms only invest in high-income areas; people who need improved service the most would be denied.
Research on child mortality, coverage area and water quality has shown that private water utilities have produced a series of coverage expansions and have kept up with the quality of water mandated in contracts (Galiani, 2002). The private sector increased the efficiency of the water utilities and used that decrease in excess spending to increase coverage and quality. The private sector was able to decrease child mortality by five to seven percent (Galiani, 2002) in a short amount of time, the rate of water borne disease also decreased with improved quality. Lower income citizens close enough to new pipelines had the opportunity to get connected and pay for the connection over time. Efficient business strategy also helped determine which technologies to import and decide where to implement facility updates in order to handle increased demands.
Concerns over privatization are valid but it must be realized that firms need to operate within the bounds of the contracts and as long as local governments have available monitoring and an established legislature for enforcement. Privatized water utilities in Argentina operated efficiently enough and increased their market enough to make a profit and continue capitol investment. But that is not to say that the private sector is the best way to achieve social goals, it is an efficient way to build a foundation or blue print to success. The private sector did not achieve optimal quality and complete coverage, what they did was out performing a failing public sector business model.
Shortfalls in the private sector were mainly due to the limits on profitable investments, signifying a key contradiction in private sector ability and social demand. Private sector goals do not meet social development ones, including increasing per capita GDP in the middle class. Efficient business models save money for the firm and allow for investment in newer technology but cut over 7200 jobs (Olleta, 2007) in the process. Profit maximization also limited privatization to take root in metropolitan areas, where small investments can effect a lot of people. This left roughly forty percent of the population of Argentina who live in smaller communities too far to run pipeline cheaply and too small for individual treatment plants out of luck for foreign capitol. Without the possibility for a large return on investment those in most need were denied what they need to sustain their lives given the pollution from both ISI plants and more modern plants under private enterprise.
Considering the municipalities under private water and sanitation utilities, the improvements made have surpassed the previous public utilities in all measures but they have fallen short of optimal social benefit. Prior to privatization the prices for service was raised by sixty-two percent (Olleta, 2007), an inflated price that represented corruption and excess spending, but private firms failed to lower prices to a level that represented the real value before the inflated price. The firms lowered it enough to keep people out of the streets protesting and still make a large profit. Pricing was brought to the forefront in 2001 when the supplier for Buenos Ares “Aguas Argentina had been fined US$ 600,000 for overcharging consumers” (Hall, 2002). Prices were steadily increased in increments ranging from eight to twenty five percent (Hall, 2002) from the early to late 90s in order to attract investors. Another issue with pricing was that while the poor were given the opportunity to get connected to water and sewage, “new users were unable to pay on time the connection charges introduced in 1994” (Olleta, 2007). Moral hazard urged poor folks to order connection even though they could not afford in the long run because its better to have water now and be punished later rather than to get sick and die. By the mid 90s the increase in prices by a quarter caused poor areas to spend about nine percent of income on water and sewage (Olleta, 2007), increasing the poverty rate.
Pricing is not the only area that private utilities failed to create optimal social benefit; the building of new treatment facilities that were assumed in original contracts were delayed and re-proposed in many areas. One proposal was for a pre-treatment plant that would actually increase pollution rather than building a two stage series of treatment facilities that would cost more. The most troubling facility problem was the delaying of construction of contractually obligated sites in order to increase future profit (Olleta, 2007). By delaying construction and having demand rise, the total value of the plant opening in the future was reported to be greater than the profit if it was opened on time.
The private sector was successful in some areas but failed to meet the social development goals that Argentina needs. Private investment surpassed the ability of the previous public sector by increasing the area of infrastructure as well as meeting required water quality and lowering disease/ child mortality rates. Technology introduced increased efficiency drastically and the education given to employees to both run and manage the utility was indispensable to future efficiency. The business models used also provided the groundwork for the utility to run with less corruption and more accountability within the firm’s day to day operation. The private sector was not optimal when it came to decreasing poverty and increasing per capita GDP. Foreign capitol is mainly uninterested in human development and does not want to use money for anything other than making more money. Prices were raised and service, while better than in the previous regime, were not optimal.
Private water and sanitation utilities ended up being better for the people than the previous model but only in the short run. The investments made by the private sector were steps that the public sector in Argentina could not accomplish. By allowing those who required efficiency to make money Argentina opened themselves up to the capitol investment that they needed and the education in efficiency that could be used for a long time to come. Now what needs to take place is for the private firms to be transferred to the public sector, and using the lessons learned in the last twenty years the public sector can act similarly and strive to have zero profit.
While it is “essential to recover the costs of providing people with water in order to manage the demand,” water and sanitation can be delivered at a price that would be equal to the cost; including the cost of future investments. Small towns could receive the clean water needed to fight negative externalities such as pollution from other industry and the poor would be more likely to afford water if overall profit was a non-issue. The public utility should have little or no problems receiving funds if they can continue to operate efficiently and keep status as safe borrowers. Argentina is an excellent example of how private sectors can succeed to some extent when the governments or other co-op public sectors fail, but only in the short run. Long term social development needs to stipulate clear contracts that are just long enough for private investors to recoup costs (they can see it as a safe investment that does not require high payoff since if is low risk). The contracts must also stipulate clear methods for accountability throughout the firm and have methods to enforce the contracts. After the benefits of privatization have been utilized then the public should reclaim the common good and increase investment that has high social benefit and decrease profit to zero.
Galiani, Sebastian, Paul Gertler, and Ernesto Schargrodsky. Water for Life: The Impact of the Privatization of Water Services on Child Mortality. 31 Aug. 2002. Universidad de San Andres, University of California at Berkeley, NBER, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. 24 Nov. 2008.
Hall, David, and Emanuele Lobina. “Water privatisation in Latin America.” July 2002. Public Services International Research Unit, University of Greenwich. 24 Nov. 2008 .
Szollosi-Nagy. “WATER IS NOT JUST A COMMODITY, BUT A COMMON PUBLIC GOOD, SAYS UNESCO.” 29 Aug. 2002. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 20 Nov. 2008 .
UNESCO. “The Millennium Development Goals and Water.” World Water Assessment Programme. UNESCO. 24 Nov. 2008 .
I hate to write another post based off Monica Prasad’s book, but the damn thing is just so full of insights that I can’t help. Fabio can have his Skocpol Zone, I’ll take Prasad any day of the week! This one stems from her discussion of the French and British steel industries in the 1950s and 1960s. The private American system was the most productive, the state-run French industry was almost as productive, and the British industry was least productive. Why was this? According to the studies cited by Prasad, much of it had to do with the history of nationalization in Britain. The steel industry was nationalized in 1951, denationalized in 1953, and then renationalized in 1967! By this point, the lag in productivity was huge. According to Alasdair Blair:
This can be attributed to the uncertainty of the individual company managers and owners as to whether their firm would be nationalized again. And with this feeling of uncertainty, there was an unwillingness to adopt the new techniques, as they rightly assumed that the industry would return to government control and that they would not be rewarded for their expenditure by the public purse.
Prasad points out that sometimes either private or public ownership is a better policy than flip-flopping between the two of them. Most libertarian writers put an emphasis on both liberty and the rule of law as requisites for development and growth, but I wonder if they put too much emphasis on the former while neglecting the latter.
Much fuss was made over the January release of a Pew Research Center study showing women’s incomes had grown much faster than men’s from 1970 to 2007.
Women increasingly have more education and make more money than their husbands, the headlines shouted.
Can V-Day survive shifting roles? For some women who earn more than their husbands, more money means more marital problems Women approaching equality in their careers, literally and figuratively
That’s the case in our marriage: I have a master’s degree while John has a bachelor’s, and I earn the lion’s share of our household income.
I am friends with enough smart, ambitious women that this arrangement doesn’t seem odd to me. It does break with some deeply held stereotypes. I’m not waiting for John in pearls and heels when he drops his briefcase by the door after a hard day at the office.
I know it does seem strange to some. It must, or we wouldn’t see so many “man bites dog” stories out of this research.
When John and I got engaged, my dad asked me, “Don’t you want to be with someone who can take care of you?” This so deeply offended me that we didn’t speak for weeks, maybe months.
I wasn’t offended by the implied dig at John’s earning potential as much as by the affront to me and my priorities. My father, a man of old-fashioned values, seemed to be implying that my job was just filling time until I could find a breadwinner mate.
I’d put myself through school and worked hard to build my career precisely because no, I did not want to be dependent on a man to provide for me.
I can bring home the (soy) bacon, fry it up in a pan ... in case the embedded video doesn't work for you, click here for a dose of '80s nostalgia from Enjoli
In the decade that’s passed, both my dad and I have come to realize that, in fact, I really do like having married someone who can take care of me, just not in the way he meant it.
John is my number one cheerleader. He also balances the checkbook, goes to the dry cleaner, coordinates with our accountant to get our taxes prepared – all the household details that I happen to be terrible at. He nags me to make my doctor’s appointments and take my vitamins, because I probably wouldn’t do either without him checking up on me.
In some ways, we’ve traded traditional marital roles, with me as the breadwinner and him tending to many of the details of running our home. But I love to cook, he’s building his art business and he retains the important guy duty of dispatching creepy crawly critters while I squeal. So it’s more a redefinition of roles than a direct trade.
Mostly it seems to work for us, though John is itching to find a day job outside the home and I sometimes long to have more time to pursue my creativity. Maybe someday we’ll make that switch, too.
I think the key to our arrangement – and hopefully the other couples studied by Pew – is communication. Regardless of who’s doing what in a marriage, it’s essential to be clear about what your needs are, for yourself and from your mate. John and I have gotten better about this with each year of marriage.
Are you in a couple where the wife earns more or has more education? How do you navigate what that means for traditional gender roles?
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One of the problems of the AGW group is that their dire warnings simply do not turn out to be tr
Here is a “prediction” by a qualified scientist made in the year 2000, and the actuality as I researched last night.
“However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.
LIVE coverage: England wakes up to snow chaos In pictures: Snow in England
Heavy snowfalls and icy weather conditions are likely to continue throughout the week, bringing further chaos to the roads and public transport system, the Met Office said today.
CBC News – World – Britain blasted by heavy snow (2010)
Jan 6, 2010 … Heavy snowfall pounding Britain has forced the closure of thousands of schools, disrupted travel and prompted officials to mobilize the army
Hundreds Rescued As Heavy Snow Slams Britain : NPR(2010)
Jan 6, 2010 … 5, 2010. With up to 4ins (10 cms) of snow due to fall in parts of the … heavy snowfall across large areas of the country, as Britain’s …
So, there is zero correlation between the prediction and 10 years experience.
The British call credit the “never-never” – perhaps the climate predictions need to be termed the “never-never” in this new world.
“In February, the civilian labor force participation rate (64.8 percent) and the employment-population ratio (58.5 percent) were little changed. (See table A-1.)”
From –
Last Modified Date: March 05, 2010
My Note –
Those numbers mean that the real unemployment level in the United States is 35.2% and that doesn’t include the illegal immigrants, students in college who need to have jobs, people who are retired and having to come out of retirement because they lost money in the stock market based pension plans, and people in jail, people in institutions, people who are employed part-time that need to be employed full time to live, etc.)
- Cricketdiane
So, where are economists and financial experts getting their information that leads them to believe we are on a growth curve and recovery now?
In the information found about the Federal Reserve’s use of the Beige Book of Economic Numbers – this seems telling -
“The Fed directors and their staffs will use their very long proverbial arms to obtain an economic pulse that can’t be found in any other indicator’s report. They will interview business leaders, bank presidents, members of other Fed boards and hundreds of other informal networks before writing the reports that will be compiled in the Beige Book.”
Does that mean these are the written opinions and elicited opinions of people who have every reason to indicate anything but the truth? Could that be possible? It seems pretty evident that is a possibility. I would like to see the Beige Book of Economic Numbers and Federal Reserve papers from 2007 and 2008 because obviously they didn’t know what was presenting itself at that time which now everyone knows are the facts . . .
- cricketdiane
The other thing I’ve noticed is that the process by which businesses reacted to the “downturn” were measures intended and created for a 6-month downturn, maybe workable during a 9-month long recession on the outside. The corporations literally had been taught to raise bonuses, raise profit-forecasts whether there was indication of it or not, raise dividend payouts, raise salaries to corporate executives and to layoff employees as a way to arbitrarily increase profit numbers on the balance sheet when revenues were not actually coming in the door. That only works for a short period of time and doesn’t accurately reflect the liabilities of the corporation which may be undermining the available assets to go forward. When a downturn lasts longer than 6-months, there becomes no way to hide these facts that sales are not occurring, revenues are not coming in, payments on liabilities are going out in striking measures against resources, and that there are no employee skill sets to conduct the business because they were laid off. After a time, those intellectual losses, skill sets lost, and employee loyalty that was lost comes back to haunt the business and the lacking manpower facilities to get the job done in order to make real profits and revenues. It is just a matter of time.
Apparently, the business schools and previous business experiences, expertise, workshops, continuing education, reading, researching, talking, interacting with other business leaders and organizations, and attending large international business leadership conferences did not prepare business executives with a more practical understanding of what to do in the event of a protracted downturn of any kind. They obviously didn’t know what to do beyond this short term process solutions that they used of making the business temporarily look profitable when they were not. Now what? Have new solutions been generated or are they continuing to do what Professor Mitroff suggested in the book he co-authored, “Dirty Rotten Strategies” that he was discussing on CSPAN which is to manage the mess rather than to create solutions? Would anyone be willing to try new solutions or solution combinations that have not been taught to them by a respected business school or used in the three short recessions they have experienced within their lifetimes? Would they be able to construct new solutions that could work or are they just treading water hoping the economic disaster will all be gone tomorrow morning when they wake up?
I think it would be worthwhile to look up something else while I think about it . . .
There was something else I heard on the news yesterday that I thought was very interesting about the student protests about the raises in tuition and education budget cuts – there was a mention by a woman about the fact that California’s crude oil being pumped out of the ground without any return taxes from those oil companies operating in the state. Is that possible? Do these oil companies not pay taxes into the California economy? And how much are they paying for the leases and royalties on the natural resources of California (and the United States) for what they are pumping out of the ground? There was a story earlier last year about the oil companies and the Department of Interior making deals on royalties and leases for drilling which had in previous years, not been done in cash – but rather by “in kind” trades. How was that changed with the Obama administration’s demand that it be changed? Was it changed? How are the drilling, mining and crude oil drilling, in particular – being done in California to return a fair market value for those resources and economic opportunities? How much is being paid for the oil companies by the state and by the Federal government? Is it possible that the money to restore education and universal tuition-free university education for all the adults in California exist in simple changes to how the oil companies do get taxed rather than not at all in that state while taking the national resources that belong to us all? That would be interesting to know, I’ll look it up while thinking about the macroeconomic statistics I found, (listed on the post before this one and at the top of this post.)
- cricketdiane
(I’ll have to look up the CNN transcript from yesterday with the students talking about the oil companies paying taxes in the state of California as a solution to the education budget cuts and tuition hikes at California Universities and California state colleges.)